ALBA-Elsevier Award Lecture
This award, established in 2021, recognises yearly research achievements of outstanding quality by a PhD- or MD- qualified scientist who is actively working at the frontiers of brain research, who has made contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) issues in their career, and who is currently working in a country underrepresented among neuroscience publications and conferences. In addition to highlighting the awarded individual’s scientific excellence, this prize will support regional diversity and increase visibility of both the scientist and their institution.
2025 nomination window: 26 August – 9 October 2024. Deadline extended until 23 October 2024.
- The awardee receives 3000€ in prize money.
- The 2025 and 2026 ALBA-Elsevier Award winners will each deliver a Special Lecture at the next biennial FENS Forum, Europe’s premier neuroscience event, taking place on 4-8 July 2026 in Madrid, Spain. The lecture will be advertised by ALBA and by Elsevier.
- Registration to the FENS Forum 2026 is waived and a lump sum of 1300€ is provided to contribute towards accommodation and travel to the Forum.
The award is open to PhD- or MD- qualified active scientists of any origin, working in a research institution in countries underrepresented1 among neuroscience publications and conferences. Candidates who have not run their own lab for at least 5 years are requested to wait and apply at a later stage.
Find more information on how to apply here.
Award Type: Personal Award
Prize Money: 3,000 Euro
Granting Body: ALBA, Elsevier
Application/Submission Deadline: 14 Nov 2024
Contact Details
Name: ALBA Network