FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme

Status: Open

Deadline: 15 Oct 2024

Funding body: FENS, IBRO-PERC

IntroductionApplication formAwardees - April 2023 callAwardees - October 2023 callAwardees - April 2024 call

FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are committed to working together in support of early career researchers and intra-European mobility, with a set goal of advancing neuroscience research and training in Europe through the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme.

Directed at Master’s or PhD students and early postdoctoral fellows located in Europe, the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships Programme aims to foster and broaden the scope of their methodological training by supporting goal-directed laboratory visits in established European laboratories.

Maximum Grant Amount: EUR 4.000

Funds may be used for travel and local expenses during the laboratory exchange. Funds will be transferred according to a 60/40 format, meaning that 60% of the grant will be awarded at least 2 weeks in advance of the fellowship, and the remaining 40% upon completion of the exchange and submission of the associated grant report.

Application deadlines: biannually – on 15 April and 15 October  (midnight, Brussels time)

For any queries regarding the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships, please contact chet@fens.org.

! The Call for FENS/IBRO-PERC fellowships is now open.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applicants should be Master’s or PhD neuroscience students or early postdoctoral fellows (maximum 5 years from the start of the postdoc) currently studying or working in Europe.
  • Applicants should be members of a FENS member societyindividual FENS members or members of an IBRO member organisation in the Pan-Europe region that is not already a FENS member [see list below*].
  • Mandatory letter of acceptance from the host laboratory.
  • Letter of reference from the group leader of the home laboratory.

* Armenian IBRO Association; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities; Italian Association of NeuroImmunology; Russian Academy of Sciences; Slovak Academy of Sciences; Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS, Spain); Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Brain Research Society (BARD) in Turkey.

Fellowship Specifications:

  • The length of the proposed stay should be a minimum of 4 weeks.
  • Both the home and the host laboratories should be located within Europe.
  • The fellowship must involve a change of country (i.e. the host laboratory should be located in a different country than the home laboratory).
  • The fellowship should be concluded in a maximum of one year from the time the grant has been awarded.
  • The eligible items in terms of requested budget relate to travel (economy class) and housing; items such as insurances, samples and equipment, groceries, cosmetics or similar are not elligible.
  • The report associated with the completed fellowship should be submitted no later than 3 months following the conclusion of the laboratory stay.
  • Candidates may only submit one application, for one fellowship, at one host laboratory, during each round of applications.

FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are delighted to announce the awardees of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships (April 2023 call). The programme aims to support the career development of early-career researchers in the field of neuroscience by providing them with opportunities for intra-European mobility and by nurturing their growth in a skill-enhancing context.

FENS and IBRO-PERC are pleased with the high-rate response of the neuroscience community to this new initiative: 73 eligible applications from 23 European countries were submitted during the first FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships call, which closed on 15 April 2023.

FENS and IBRO-PERC warming congratulates the eleven awardees and wish them success in their scientific endeavours.

The recipients of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships are:

Career Status  Name  Home Lab  Host Lab  
Master  The grant recipient requested name not to be disclosed Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece  Institut Pasteur Paris, France 
Master  Emma Nesbit  Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Germany  University of Oxford, UK 
Postdoc  Emma Delhaye  University of Liege, Belgium  University of Lisboa, Portugal 
Postdoc  Clara Alice Musi   University of Milan, Italy 


Aston University, UK 
Postdoc  Giulia Carini  University of Brescia, Italy 


University of Oxford, UK 
Postdoc  Anna Lech   Łukasiewicz Research Network – PORT Polish Center for Technology Development, Poland 


IGBMC, Department of Biology and Stem Cell Development, France 
Postdoc  Jovana Aranđelović  University of Belgrade, Serbia 


Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal 
PhD   Agathe Moret  Paris Brain Institute, France 


University of Oxford, UK 


PhD  Bin Wan  Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany 


University of Cambridge, UK 


PhD  Oumayma Aousji  Universitaetsklinikum Ulm, Germany  Université Paris Cité, France  


PhD  Sara Badesso  Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), University of Navarra, Spain University of Milan, Italy 



FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are delighted to announce the awardees of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships (October 2023 call). The programme aims to support the career development of early-career researchers in the field of neuroscience by providing them with opportunities for intra-European mobility and by nurturing their growth in a skill-enhancing context.

FENS and IBRO-PERC are pleased with the high-rate response of the neuroscience community to this new initiative: 94 eligible applications from 22 European countries were submitted during the first FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships call, which closed on 15 October 2023.

FENS and IBRO-PERC warming congratulates the eleven awardees and wish them success in their scientific endeavours.

The recipients of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships are:

Career status Name Home lab Host lab
Master student Kankana Dutta University of Trieste, Italy Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
PhD student Ekin Döngel Dayanç Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University, Turkey Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norway
PhD student Ilayda Birben Fahliogullari University of Cologne; Institute of Zoology, Germany University of Copenhagen, Denmark
PhD student Laura Keto Tampere University, Finland Heidelberg University, Germany
PhD student María Alfonso Triguero University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Poland
PhD student Sofia Petsangouraki University of Crete and IMBB-FoRTH, Greece INMED-Inserm, France
PhD student Xavier Corominas-Teruel Paris Brain Institute, France Johannes-Gutenberg University Medical Center Mainz, Germany
PhD student Pablo González Téllez de Meneses Institute for Neuroscience of Castilla y León, Spain Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, France
Postdoc Giulia D’Arrigo National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Italy University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Postdoc Brendan Williams University of Reading, United Kingdom Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Netherlands
Postdoc Pavlina Tsoka University of Crete, Greece University of Alicante, Spain

FENS and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) are delighted to announce the awardees of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships (April 2024 call). The programme aims to support the career development of early-career researchers in the field of neuroscience by providing them with opportunities for intra-European mobility and by nurturing their growth in a skill-enhancing context.

FENS and IBRO-PERC warming congratulates the eleven awardees and wish them success in their scientific endeavours.

The recipients of the FENS/IBRO-PERC Exchange Fellowships are:

Career status Name Home lab Host lab
Master student Maria Renke Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland King’s College London, United Kingdom
PhD student Maria Repolles-de-Dalmau Pere Virgili Health Research Institute, Spain University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
PhD student David Vijatovic Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Austria University of Sussex, United Kingdom
PhD student Ying Zhai University of Galway, Ireland University of Bern, Switzerland
PhD student Jasmin Baron Medical University of Graz, Austria Biophysik II, Regensburg University, Germany
PhD student Katarzyna Rudzka University College London, United Kingdom Aalto University, Finland
PhD student Paula García Castro University of Oviedo, Spain Universitätsklinikum Münster, Germany
PhD student Silvia Zini University of Brescia, Italy University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
PhD student Patrycja Klimczak University of Valencia, Spain University of Helsinki, Finland
PhD student Sopiko Kartsivadze Tbilisi State Medical University, Georgia Lund University, Sweden
Postdoc Roberta Facchinetti Sapienza University of Rome, Italy University of Lausanne, Switzerland


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