Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research
Award Type: Research Award
Prize Money: 500,000 Euro
Granting Body: Einstein Foundation Berlin
Other Benefits or Honours: The international Einstein Foundation Award for Promoting Quality in Research is the first prize to recognize outstanding efforts that enhance the rigor, reliability, robustness, and transparency of research.
Research Field: All fields of research including science, social science and the humanities
Eligibility: This international award is open to any researcher or group of researchers, organizations, or institutions involved in science and research, education, and scholarship. The award will be presented in three categories to individual researchers, institutions, and early career researchers. To be eligible for the early career award, candidates must hold a doctorate or have equivalent research experience and should not have been working as an independent researcher for more than five years.
Requirements: I Nominations of individuals or teams should include a nomination letter, a CV, and a list of publications, as well as contact details for letters of support. II Applications or nominations of organizations and institutions should consist of a nomination or application letter, as well as contact details for letters of support. III Early career researchers or teams of ECRs should submit a letter of motivation, a project proposal, as well as a CV and a list of publications.
Application/Submission Deadline: 30 Apr 2024
Contact Details
Name: Dr. Ulrike Pannasch
Address: Einstein Foundation Berlin Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin Germany
Phone: 00493020370228
Email: award@einsteinfoundation.de