Job ID: 116856

Postdoctoral fellow, Osterweil Lab – Boston Children’s/Harvard Medical School

Position: Post-doctoral Position

Deadline: 1 December 2023

City: Boston

Country: United States

Institution: Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School

Department: RSZTNC, FM Kirby


Postdoctoral fellow, Osterweil Lab

Rosamund Stone Zander TNC, FM Kirby Neurobiology Center

Boston Children’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School



The Osterweil lab is recruiting a motivated individual to fill a postdoctoral position in molecular neuroscience. You will be joining the exciting, fast-paced environment at Boston Children’s Hospital/ Harvard Medical School investigating cell type-specific mRNA translation in neural function and dysfunction (


Our group has a number of hypothesis-driven projects that are aimed at identifying critical mechanisms in neural plasticity, and determining how these processes go awry in neurodevelopmental disorders such as fragile X syndrome. We are using molecular approaches including TRAP-seq, scRNA-seq, and spatial transcriptomics, and combining these with electrophysiological and behavioral assays to answer research questions and test potential therapeutic approaches that arise from this work. We are also employing new models to determine the conservation of synaptic mechanisms between mouse and human.


Candidates must have a PhD in neuroscience, cell biology, or a related field, and show evidence of good productivity in the form of publications. Experience with either molecular neuroscience and mouse brain surgical techniques, or RNA-seq and bioinformatics, is greatly preferred.


Please send a CV, cover letter with statement of interest, and 2-3 letters of references to: Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.