Job ID: 121821
Postdoctoral Researcher Position – Synapse Architeture Group – MIA-PORTUGAL
Position: Post-doctoral Position
Deadline: 21 February 2025
Contract Length: 2 years
City: Coimbra
Country: Portugal
Institution: University of Coimbra
Department: Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing
University of Coimbra opens a call to hire one Postdoctoral/Auxiliary Researcher to join Joana Ferreira’s Lab at the Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing – MIA-Portugal, co-funded by the European Horizon2020 TEAMING Program (reference: 857524), and the Operational Program of the Centro Region of Portugal (CCDRC Ref: CENTRO-45-2020-75), in the conditions described below. The full text of the Call is available at or upon request to
For more information about the group click here.
Reference of the expression of interest: MIA-AR-2025-01
Scientific area: Neurosciences, Life Sciences (molecular or cell biology or physiology), Health Sciences (biomedical sciences)
Work plan/objectives: The Synapse Architecture group, led by Dr Joana Ferreira, focuses on understanding the contribution of synapse nanoscale organization to cognition through neuronal communication regulation. To address this question, we will use a combination of different techniques such as molecular biology, advanced microscopy, electrophysiology, and animal behaviour. We are looking for a highly motivated individual with a strong passion for research to join our team. If you’re intrigued by our work and thrive in curiosity-driven research, we encourage you to reach out. This position offers an exceptional opportunity for both academic and professional growth, with collaborative opportunities across MIA-Portugal and the University of Coimbra.
The recent advances in super-resolution microscopy, including our previous research on glutamate receptors of the NMDA type, revealed a precise nanoscale organization of several synaptic components which together with a high dynamic confer the brain great adaptability. The goal of the group is to understand what the synaptic nanoscale alterations occurring during aging are, and which contribute to the modulation of key mechanisms in cognitive performance. To further understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the brain aging process we will work with different aged animal models (mice and rats) and human-derived neurons.
The successful candidate will employ a variety of novel techniques, including advanced super-resolution fluorescent imaging, electrophysiology, human neuron reprogramming, and molecular biology approaches, to explore which molecular alterations of the synapse architecture and signalling mechanisms are associated with healthy aging, i.e. preserved cognitive ability, and which are associated with cognitive decline.
Skills/Qualifications: Successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in neuroscience, molecular or cell biology, ageing biology, biomedical sciences, or other related fields. Passionate, self-motivated candidates with the ability to work independently are encouraged to apply. Candidates with prior experience and strong expertise in one of the following techniques are desirable – single molecule microscopy and analysis, electrophysiology (whole-cell patch-clamp and voltage-clamp configurations), and animal behaviour (spatial learning and memory tests).
Candidates must have defended their PhD thesis before the start of the contract and be fluent in English (oral and written).
Wages and Benefits: 3.427,59€ monthly gross salary. The successful candidate will be hired by the University of Coimbra until 31 December 2027. According to Portuguese legislation on public hiring of researchers (Decree-Law 124/99), the contract includes the following benefits:
- Annual Wages: 14 months of pay, comprising 12 months of regular salary plus 2 additional months covering summer holidays and a Christmas allowance.
- Social Security Tax: Coverage under the Portuguese social security system.
- Food Allowance: Provision of a daily meal allowance.
Work Location: University of Coimbra – Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing (MIA-Portugal)
Selection criteria: The selection and ranking criteria for the Curricular Evaluation (CF) will be assessed on a scale of 0 to 20 points, according to the following formula:
CV (50%), cover letter (5%), references (15%), and interview (30%)
- CV – Curriculum Vitae (50%), comprising education, previous positions, and all types of research activity including but not limited to Master, PhD, internship, and post-doctoral projects, methods used, skills acquired, publications, preprints and unpublished data of relevance, any funding, and rewards acquired as well as public presentations, participation in editorial, evaluation or review committees, etc.
- CL – Cover letter (5%), where the candidate should state his/her motivations to join this research and why and how his/her profile, area(s) of expertise, and skills are adequate for the position in question.
- R – Contact information for two references (15%) where at least one should be a previous research supervisor.
- I – Interview (30%): the jury will interview the 3-5 best ranked [in criteria a) to b)] candidates, for clarifications and discussion.
Evaluation and selection jury:
Doctor Joana Ferreira, Principal Investigator at MIA-Portugal
Professor Manuel António da Silva Santos, Scientific Director of MIA-Portugal
Doctor Luís Ribeiro, Principal Investigator at MIA-Portugal
Doctor Mónica Santos, Auxiliary Researcher at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology CNC-UC, Centre for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology – CIBB, University of Coimbra
Expressions of Interest: Applications must be formalised by sending the documents indicated below in PDF format by e-mail to with subject MIA-AR-2025-01. For complete application requirements and selection methods please consult the official notice.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae, duly dated and signed.
- Copy of all qualification certificates or diplomas.
- Cover Letter including contact information for two references
- Other documents considered relevant by the candidates
Submission deadline date: 21/2/2025
Expected interview date: 14/3/2025
Additional information: The University of Coimbra, founded in 1290, is internationally recognized as a leading institution in higher education and scientific research. Situated in Coimbra, a vibrant student town, the University is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a symbol of academic excellence. Coimbra offers a unique academic culture and is a cost-effective European city compared to larger international towns. The city enjoys delightful weather year-round and is conveniently located just a 45-minute drive from the coast and an hour from Portugal’s main mountain ranges. It is a safe and well-equipped town, ideal for living, working, and raising a family.
The Multidisciplinary Institute of Ageing (MIA-Portugal) is a newly established institute funded by both the European Union and Portuguese authorities. Its mission is to foster research excellence by providing state-of-the-art facilities, top-quality support for research groups, and the highest standards of training for young researchers. MIA-Portugal is committed to hiring and promoting leading scientists and supporting ground-breaking research in the field of ageing.