European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP)
Status: Full Member Society
President: Dr. Martien Kas
Member Benefits
ECNP is committed to ensuring that advances in the understanding of brain function and human behaviour are translated into better treatments and enhanced public health.
To achieve its aims, ECNP organises a wide range of activities, programmes and events across Europe. These include:
- The annual ECNP Congress, attended by around 6,000 psychiatrists, neuroscientists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world each year. For the communication and cross-fertilisation of research results and ideas in the field of neuropsychopharmacology.
- Workshops, for (pre-)doctorates and residents.
- New Frontiers Meetings, for cross-talk between researchers, industry and regulators on key future trends and frontier developments.
- ECNP Courses to broaden ECNP range of educational activities for both clinical and non-clinical scientists.
- ECNP-PsychX talks, high-relevance free online sessions, featuring monthly explorations into both clinical and experimental facets of psychiatry.
- The ECNP journals: European Neuropsychopharmacology and Neuroscience Applied
- Top article picks
- The monthly e-news
- Podcast series
- Message of the President
- In-depth interviews
As part of its mission to encourage high-quality research, ECNP offers a wide variety of awards designed to recognise and stimulate outstanding research in neuropsychopharmacology and related disciplines in Europe:
- ECNP Negative Results Prize in Clinical Neuroscience
- Best Negative Data Prize in Pre-Clinical Neuroscience
- ECNP Citation Prize
- ECNP Downloads Prize
- ECNP Lifetime Achievement Award
- ECNP Neuropsychopharmacology Award
- ECNP Poster Award
- ECNP Public Choice Poster Award
For Early Career Scientists, ECNP is proud to offer the following awards:
- ECNP Excellence Award
- ECNP Rising Star Award
Liaison with other key organisations in the field
To facilitate direct dialogues with other scientific bodies and indirect dialogues with the European Union Commissions, the European Parliament and the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as other decision-making bodies, ECNP is also member of:
- Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe
- European Brain Council (EBC) (founder member)
- International Society for CNS Clinical Trials and Methodology (ISCTM)