European Society for Neurochemistry (ESN)

Status: Full Member Society

President: Prof Illana Gozes


Member Benefits

The advantages of being an ESN member are:

  • you become an ISN (International Society for Neurochemistry) and FENS member without extra charge
  • reduced registration fees for ESN Conferences, biennial ISN Meetings, biennial FENS Forum and other FENS meetings and possibility to apply for ESN and ISN travel grants
  • support of Neurochemistry related events via the “ESN Neurochemistry Initiative” funding scheme
  • free access to European Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurochemistry (via ISN membership), FENS higher education and training initiatives and FENS travel stipends
  • participation in ESN and ISN Schools and other training initiatives
  • multiple options to actively contribute to the development of Neurochemistry in Europe by:
    • submitting Workshop and Symposium proposals for ESN conferences
    • suggesting candidates for the ESN Young Scientist Lectureship Award
    • becoming an organizer of an ESN Conference
    • becoming a member of the ESN Council
  • The annual ESN membership fee is only 25 €
  • Membership application forms can be found at the ESN homepage

Apply for FENS membership via this society

Visit this URL to submit your application: