2nd FALAN Congress

Buenos Aires, AR

Attendance type(s): In Person

Event Dates: 17—20 Oct 2016

The first Latin-American meeting held in Buzios in 2008 was the initial step towards the creation of FALAN. Once established, the first formal meeting of FALAN was held in Cancun-México in 2012. Today we are delighted to inform you that the Argentinean Society for Neuroscience together with FALAN will host the 2ndFALAN Congress in their home city of Buenos Aires.

Under the umbrella of FALAN´s Buenos Aires meeting the¨XL Reunião Anual da la Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento¨, la ¨XII Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Chilena de Neurociencias¨, la¨XV Jornadas de la Sociedad de Neurociencias del Uruguay¨ y el ¨XXXI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Neurociencias¨, will also take place. The rest of FALAN societies are also supporting and promoting this Congress as one of the major activities of the year 2016. IBRO and the Latin-American Regional Committee (LARC) are providing strong economic and logistic assistance.

The 2nd FALAN Congress project reflects the vigorous and fast growing pace of neuroscience in the region and the institutional strengthening of FALAN. Given the scientific and institutional significance of the 2nd FALAN Congress we warmly invite you to join us in Buenos Aires in October 2016.

The aim of the Congress is to promote neuroscience in the region and at the same time to provide the Latin-American neuroscience community with an environment where the search and sharing of ideas and techniques will pave the way for more interaction between Latin-American scientists.

The meeting is being organized by a committee on which most FALAN societies are represented. This international committee is developing a high quality program where all the important areas and relevant topics in neuroscience will feature. Plenary lectures and symposia on specific subjects will be organized. An important part of the meeting schedule and space will be devoted to poster presentations. Satellite activities, in particular courses directed to PhD students will be encouraged and supported. We will promote the participation of scientists from all Latin-American locations and hope for a good gender mix, keeping always to the highest academic standards.

The Scientific Committee is in the process of planning the conference. To ensure that abroad cross-section of disciplines within the field are represented in the program, the Scientific Committee invites you to submit a symposium proposal, so that you can have significant input into the intellectual content of the meeting.

Proposals should be submitted to the Scientific Committee on the form attached to this message through email (symposiafalan2016@gmail.com) by November 1st, 2015. For more information see also www.falan-ibrolarc.org.

The most important criterion in the selection process will be the scientific quality of the speakers. A balanced distribution of scientists from different countries within the region will also be considered a requirement. The number of speakers can either be 3 or 4.

It is worth mentioning that despite the Organizing Committee is trying its best to secure funding, the budget will unlikely be sufficient to sponsor all activities. Thus, we highly recommend chairs to alert potential speakers that they will likely need to provide their
own support for attendance (travel and/or accommodation).

Contact Details

Email: symposiafalan2016@gmail.com