Ankersaal (Absberggasse 27/Stiege 3/3. Stock, 1100 Wien)

Organiser: ENCODS


Attendance type(s): In Person

FENS members will benefit from preferential rates

Event Dates: 23—24 Jun 2024

  • 23/06/2024
  • 24/06/2024

Registration Deadline: 20 Apr 2024

The ENCODS 2024 Meeting will take place in Vienna, Austria on June 23rd and 24th, 2024, before the FENS Forum 2024 (Vienna, 25-29 June). For this meeting, our conference theme is “Emerging Technologies in Neuroscience: Unveiling the Next Frontiers”. The goal is, across distinguished expert and student presentations, poster sessions, and the workshops, bring together the different fields within Neuroscience and provide new techniques and questions for early career scientists.

ENCODS 2024 Committee’s reflection is based on the reality of the PhD: Most of the time, students specialise in one to three techniques during their PhD (computational or experimental, in vitro or in vivo, molecular scale to network/behaviour). The goal here is for students to present the important questions they address in their PhD work and the techniques they are using to do so, and to learn from their peers.

Particularly, ENCODS 2024 will be the perfect conference for students performing experimental neurosciences to learn more about computational neuroscience, and vice-versa.

Early bird registration deadline: 22 Feb. 2024

Participants registered during the early bird registration period would benefit from a reduced fee of 130 euros for non-FENS members and 100 euros for FENS members.

Regular registration deadline: 20 April 2024

For detailed information and registration, please visit the ENCODS 2024 page.


The European Neuroscience Conference by Doctoral Students (ENCODS) is an initiative started by graduate students at the Neurocampus Bordeaux in 2013. The main aim of ENCODS is to provide a safe space for early-career neuroscientists where they can share their research in the form of talks and poster presentations, create new collaborations, learn from experts, and network with researchers and students from all around the world. Since 2015, the ENCODS meeting has been organized in partnership with the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS).

Contact Details

Name: ENCODS Team 2024

Email: 2024@encods.eu

URL: https://www.fens.org/networks/encods


Kulturhaus Ankersaal, 1100 Wien, Austria