Celebrate Brain Awareness Week on 15-21 March 2021!
02 March 2021
FENS News, Society & Partner News
Celebrate Brain Awareness Week across 20 countries across Europe with these projects funded by FENS with the support of the Dana Foundation!
- Que se passe-t-il quand le cerveau dégénère ?
Alessandra K. Cardozo (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
- Brain Matters for young and old
Ann Van Der Jeugd (Leuven Brain Institute, Belgium)
- Semaine du Cerveau 2021
Martine Vanherck (Uliege (sciences.be network), BBC, Belgium)
Tuzla Brain Week
Edina Sejdin (Medical Faculty in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Brain in digital form
Zrinko Baričević (University of Rijeka, Croatia)
- Fearless Brain Project
Linda Lusic Kalcina (University of Split School of Medicine, Croatia)
Týden Mozku (Week Of The Brain)
Josef Syka (Centre for Joint Activities of the Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic)
Healthy Brain – Connected Brain. A video project
Andrei Rodionov (Helsinki University Hospital, Finland)
- Cérébrum
Simona Celebrini (CNRS, France)
- The Touchable Brain: an immersion into how the brain senses
Ian Stewart (EDGE Neuroscience-Art e.V., Germany)
- Online events of the Hellenic Society for Neurosciences during Brain Awareness Week 2021
Panagiotis Politis (Hellenic Society for Neuroscience, Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Greece)
- Is seeing, feeling, hearing believing? Using multisensory illusions as an educational tool on human perception and brain function
Argiro Vatakis (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece)
- Rise up and walk! - From neurodegeneration to neurorobotics
Zsófia Hoyk (Biological Research Centre, Hungary)
- Opening a window on the brain - Neuroscience in the public space
Attila Sik (University of Pécs, Hungary)
- Music Consciousness: How visual we are compare to synaesthetes?
Svetlana Rudenko (Technological University Dublin, Ireland)
- How our brain innovates thinking (HOBIT)
Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi (Numero Cromatico, Italy)
A series of talks on the cognitive aspects of the creation and perception of artworks, architecture and design and an online exhibition on the same topics.
Facebook and Instagram: @numerocromatico
- Physical Exercise and the Brain
Giuseppe Zappala (CentroScienza, Italy)
- Brain Days in Tri-City (Dni Mózgu w Trójmieście)
Wojciech Glac (University of Gdansk, Poland)
- Scientific Conference for Children "Do you know your brain?"
Karolina Kosno-Basińska (Zespół Szkół Prywatnych, Poland)
- Brain Time
Marta Quatorze Correia (CIBB (CNC and iCBR), Portugal)
Brain Time aims to engage the public in the neuroscience research that is being done at the Center for Innovative Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB) (Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) and Coimbra Institute for Clinical Biomedical Research (iCBR)), of the University of Coimbra. This initiative wants to foster public enthusiasm towards neuroscience, to increase the scientific culture and to promote health literacy in Portugal.
Social media: cnc_uc
- Neuroscientists on-demand
Daniel Ribeiro (Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal)
- Brain States-Different Dimensions of Consciousness
Patricia Popovici (Scientific Organisation of Medical Students, Romania)
Cristina Vladau (Asociatia Pacientilor cu Afectiuni Neurodegenerative, Romania)
The series of webinars ‘About the brain health 2021’ aims to briefly review what neuroscience and the role of neurotransmitters represent, the importance of sleep, nutrition and exercise for a good brain function, but also current details about telemedicine, teleradiology and digital health.
Facebook @APANRomania
- Brain and sleep
Lyudmila Korostovtseva (Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Russia)
A series of video recordings aimed at teenagers to explain the neural mechanisms of sleep, brain activity during wakefulness/sleep, the effects of different chemicals (coffee, energetics, etc.) on brain activity and cognitive functions, as well as some practical advice.
These recordings will be shared on social media during Brain awareness week.
- 8th St.-Petersburg Brain Awareness Week “The Power of Genes”
Irina Sukhotina (Pavlov First St.-Petersburg State Medical University, Russia)
- Train Through Your Brain: Let's Take a Look!
Milorad Dragic (Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia)
- Ten pillars of Neuroscience
Stefan Jakovljevic (Stedent section of Serbian Neuroscience Society, Serbia)
- XVIII BAW in Murcia. Times of COVID: a syndemic perspective of the brain and mental's functions
Maria-Trinidad Herrero (University of Murcia, Spain)
- Discovering Neuroscience through the screen: Online Brain Awareness Week at the Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos
Hugo Vara Rivera (Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Spain)
Is anxiety the brain's sworn enemy?
Cherine Fahim (Endoxa Neuroscience, Switzerland)
BAW@BIPH - Brain Days at Bogomoletz Institute
Andrii Cherninskyi (Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Ukraine)
Richard Fitzpatrick (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Neuron Safari is an immersive introduction to the wonderful world of cells, brains, and molecules using Minecraft. We have built two new zones especially for BAW! Test your memory in the Experimental Zone, and help important molecules get through a fiendish set of puzzles and traps in the Brain Barrier Zone.
There’ll also be exclusive videos and a live Q&A during BAW: keep an eye on the website for details!
- Virtual British Brain Bee 2021
Martyna Petrulyte (British Brain Bee, United Kingdom)