EJN full archive now available online: 1989 ? present

07 November 2006


07 November, 2006 in FENS News

EJN full archive now available online: 1989 ? present

Did you know that every issue of EJN is now available to access online at Blackwell Synergy, from volume 1, issue 1 (January 1989)?

As a member of a FENS-affiliated society you are entitled to free full access to every article online!

Simply visit Blackwell Synergy and log-in to read the journal as a FENS society member.

Problems accessing EJN content?

If you have not activated your society member access to EJN online, please contact the FENS Office Berlin (a.buchheister@mdc-berlin.de) to request activation instructions.

If you have set-up your society access but are experiencing problems with Blackwell Synergy, please contact the Synergy helpdesk.
