Registration is open for the FENS webinar on “Brain Research Needs Animal Models: Let’s Talk About It!”
23 May 2023
FENS News, Neuroscience News
FENS is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the upcoming FENS webinar on “Brain Research Needs Animal Models: Let’s Talk About It!”!
How easy is it to communicate the needs of researchers to the general public, especially when animals are involved? This 60-minute online event aims to teach how to communicate the use of animals in scientific research responsibly and transparently.
Christina Dalla and Roman Stilling will equip attendees with the best tools to effectively communicate their research to a broader audience when using animal models. They will also emphasise the importance of open science practices, the existing research policies on animal research in the European Union, and their impact on the broader brain research community, including individuals affected by brain conditions.
When is it taking place?
15 June, 13:00-14:00 CEST
- How to communicate your research to the general public when animals are involved
- Advocacy and Current State of Research Policy
- Q&A session
Meet the Speakers
- Armelle Rancillac (FR), Collège de France – Moderator
- Christina Dalla (GR), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – Speaker
- Roman Stilling (DE), Tierversuche verstehen – Speaker
We encourage you to register for this unique webinar and participate in this important conversation. By equipping attendees with effective communication strategies and fostering discussions on research policy and open science, FENS aims to promote a more informed and transparent dialogue surrounding the ethical use of animals in scientific studies.
This webinar is organised by the FENS Communication Committee and the CARE Committee.
About the CARE Committee
As a FENS Committee, CAREsupports the development of relevant resources on animals in research and promotes public education in matters related to the use of animal models in neuroscience. The mission of CARE falls within the following areas: monitoring and advice, education and outreach and training and support.
About the Communication Committee
The Communication Committee is responsible for the governance and implementation of the FENS communication strategy. Its activities fall within the following areas: advising the FENS leadership on the communication policy and its objectives and the best strategies for implementation of the current programmes for public outreach.
About FENS
The Federation of European Neuroscience Societies is the voice of European neuroscience, representing 44 neuroscience societies across 33 European countries and more than 22,000 neuroscientists. Its activities span five broad areas: scientific meetings, higher education and training, the European Journal of Neuroscience, outreach and advocacy and membership.