An easy application process

Interested in becoming a member of the Network of European Neuroscience Schools (NENS)? The application process is easy:

  1. Ensure you match the NENS eligibility criteria below
  2. Submit an online request via the form below

Your school programme application will be evaluated by the CHET Committee. You will receive a response to your application within a maximum of two weeks; if eligible, your school programme will be added to the NENS Programme Directory, and you will have full access to all advantages and benefits offered to NENS members.

Start your application

NENS Eligibility Criteria

In general MSc, PhD and MD-PhD programmes (including online programs) are eligible to apply to NENS if they adhere to the criteria below:

1- The school's physical location should be in Europe.

2- MSc programmes are eligible when they provide evidence of a structured curriculum providing education in neurosciences. This can be embedded in/part of a larger programme such as life sciences or (bio)medical sciences.
A structured curriculum should include essentials of neuroscience complemented by more special training/education specific to the local context/possibilities. At least 50% of the courses (in ECTS credits) should be in the field of neuroscience*.

*In case of lower percentages, the applicant needs to motivate which other courses within their curriculum significantly contribute to the education in neurosciences and are considered as eligible for being added to the 50% ECTS.

3- PhD/MD-PhD programmes should have a transparent presentation of the educational requirements to obtain the degree and provide a short description of the available courses in Neuroscience within the Department or School, indicating whether these are compulsory, recommended or elective courses.

4- The educational programme and information pertaining to the school programme should be accessible via a website in English. The website should provide a full description of the curriculum. The description of all compulsory courses should also be available on the website, including the name(s) of the faculty member(s) in charge. The description should follow established ‘Bologna guidelines’ referring to learning outcomes/aims and acquired knowledge, skills, and competences.

5- For all member programmes, the faculty should be sufficiently large and interdisciplinary to secure a stable and broad neuroscience curriculum. The faculty composition is also evaluated as to reflect the possible thesis topics.

6- To participate in the NENS Student Exchange Programme, supported by NENS fellowship grants, the school must declare the possibility of both sending and accepting awardees. Online programmes who wish to send students also need to be open to host visiting students from other NENS schools for their students to be allowed to benefit from the NENS Student Exchange Programme. A clear explanation of what they can offer to visiting students (e.g. full access to online materials, same rights as regular students from the online programme, etc.) is required.

Note: It is possible to keep the status of NENS programme without participating in the NENS Student Exchange Programme.