NENS Programme Directory

NENS currently represents over 200 graduate neuroscience schools and programmes across 28 European countries. Explore the NENS Directory and discover the landscape of European neuroscience graduate education.
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225 results found

Name Location Degrees Domain Subdomains Participation in NENS Student Exchange Programme
Athens International Master’s Programme in Neurosciences Athens, Greece MSc Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurogenesis and Development Development of neural systems, Glia-neuron interactions, Ischemia, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Molecular and cellular mechanisms, Molecular signals and their receptors, Neurotransmitters and their receptors Yes
Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences Groningen, The Netherlands MSc, PhD Internal States and Homeostasis, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types Cognitive development and aging, Gene expression and regulation, Intracellular dynamics, Metabolism, Neuroimmunology, Social cognition and behavior Yes
Behavioral Neuroscience Rome, Italy PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Animal behaviour, Imaging methods, Intervention methods, Ischemia, Molecular and cellular mechanisms, Pharmacology, Psychiatric disorders, Social cognition and behavior Yes
BENEFRI Neuroscience Program Bern, Switzerland PhD Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurogenesis and Development, Sensory Systems Development of neural systems, Motor control, Psychiatric disorders, Vision Yes
Berlin School of Mind and Brain Berlin, Germany MSc, PhD Sensory Systems Pain Yes
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience – Munich Martinsried/Munich, Germany PhD, MD Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Motor Systems Computational clinical neuroscience, Data analysis and software tools, Learning and memory, Motor control, Multisensory integration, Navigation and spatial memory, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neuro-robotics and Neuroprosthetics Yes
BIGS Neuroscience Bonn, Germany PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Neurogenesis and Development, Synaptic Integration, Excitability and Plasticity Development of neural systems, Glia-neuron interactions, Learning and memory, Molecular signals and their receptors, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neurotransmitters and their receptors Yes
Bilkent University Graduate Program in Neuroscience Ankara, Turkey MSc, PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types, Sensory Systems Epigenetic mechanisms, Gene expression and regulation, Learning and memory, Multisensory integration, Social cognition and behavior, Vision Yes
Biomolecular Sciences Trento, Italy PhD Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurogenesis and Development, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Animal behaviour, Animal studies, Cell types, Data analysis and software tools, Development of neural systems, Gene expression and regulation, Glia-neuron interactions, Human studies, Huntington's disease, Imaging methods, Learning and memory, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Molecular and genetic techniques, Neuro-oncology, Paraneoplastic diseases, Parkinson's disease, Peripheral nerve diseases, Structural plasticity, Synaptic transmission, Transplantation and regeneration Yes
Biotechnology for Neuroscience Torino, Italy MSc Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Motor Systems, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurogenesis and Development, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types, Other Brain Diseases, Ischemia, Stroke, Injury, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders, Sensory Systems, Synaptic Integration, Excitability and Plasticity Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Anatomy, Animal behaviour, Animal studies, Association cortex, Ataxias, Auditory system, Biological rhythms and sleep, Brain vasculature, Brain-machine interface, Cell excitability, Cell types, Chemical senses, CNS autoimmune diseases, CNS patterning, Data analysis and software tools, Development of neural systems, Developmental disorders, Electrophysiology, Environmental factors, Epilepsy, Gene expression and regulation, Glia-neuron interactions, Huntington's disease, Imaging methods, Intervention methods, Intracellular dynamics, Ion channels, Ischemia, Learning and memory, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Metabolism, Molecular and genetic techniques, Molecular signals and their receptors, Motor control, Motor control centers, Motor neuron diseases, Motor neurons and muscle, Multisensory integration, Myelination, Neuro-oncology, Neuroendocrine, Neuroethology, Neurogenesis and gliogenesis, Neurotransmitters and their receptors, Pain, Parkinson's disease, Peripheral nerve diseases, Psychiatric disorders, Regulation of food intake, nutrient and liquid homeostasis and body weight, Social cognition and behavior, Stress and the brain, Synaptic integration, Synaptic plasticity, Synaptic transmission, Synaptogenesis and activity-dependent development, Tactile/somatosensory system, Transplantation and regeneration, Transporters, Trauma, Vestibular system, Vision Yes
Body and Mind Sciences Turin, Italy MSc Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Glia-neuron interactions, Learning and memory, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Psychiatric disorders, Social cognition and behavior, Synaptic plasticity Yes
Bordeaux Neurocampus Graduate Program Bordeaux, France MSc, PhD Circuit Dynamics and Oscillations, Cognition and Neural Network, Excitability and Plasticity, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders, Sensory Systems, Synaptic Integration, Excitability and Plasticity Addiction and drugs of abuse, ALS and FTD spectrum disorders, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Animal models, Animal studies, Auditory system, Autism spectrum, Biological rhythms and sleep, Cell excitability, Cognitive function, Cytoskeleton and cell motility, Data Analysis, Decision making and reasoning, Development of neural systems, EEG, Electrophysiology, Environmental factors, fMRI and PET, Glia-neuron interactions, Light microscopy, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Metabolism, Mitochondria, Olfaction, Pharmacology, Psychiatric disorders, Regulation of food intake, nutrient and liquid homeostasis and body weight, Sensorimotor control, Synaptic plasticity Yes
Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Research Master) Amsterdam, The Netherlands MSc Cognition and Neural Network, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging Decision making and reasoning, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Neuro-oncology, Neurotransmitters and their receptors, Social cognition and behavior, Synaptic plasticity Yes
Brain and Mind – Crete Heraklion, Crete, Greece MSc, PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Sensory Systems Brain-machine interface, Computational clinical neuroscience, Data analysis and software tools, Intervention methods, Learning and memory, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neuro-robotics and Neuroprosthetics, Pharmacology, Vision Yes
Clinical Neuroscience Cambridge, United Kingdom MSc, PhD, MD-PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Internal States and Homeostasis, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Cognitive function, Intervention methods, Learning and memory, Metabolism, Neuroimmunology, Pharmacology, Therapeutic strategies Yes
Cognitive Neuroscience Rome, Italy MSc Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Sensory Systems Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Attention and Perception, Cognitive development and aging, Language and communication, Motivation and emotion, Multisensory integration, Social cognition and behavior, Therapeutic strategies Yes
Cognitive neuroscience: Mind and Brain Skovde, Sweden MSc Cognition and Neural Network Attention and Perception, Cognitive function, Consciousness, Data analysis and software tools, EEG, Human consciousness, Imaging methods, Multisensory integration, Sensorimotor control, Sleep: circuits, network activity, and behaviour Yes
Cognitive Sciences and Technologies: From Neuron to Cognition Moscow, Russia MSc Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Sensory Systems Attention and Perception, Conceptual modelling and pure theory, Consciousness, Data analysis and software tools, Decision making and reasoning, Motor control, Multisensory integration, Social cognition and behavior Yes
Cognitive, Computational and Social Neurosciences (CCSN) Lucca, Italy PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Motor Systems, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders, Sensory Systems Affective disorders, Anatomy, Association cortex, Attention and Perception, Auditory system, Biological rhythms and sleep, Brain metabolism and behaviour, Brain-machine interface, Cognitive development and aging, Cognitive function, imaging and biomarkers, Computational clinical neuroscience, Development of neural systems, Homeostatic plasticity, Human consciousness, Imaging methods, Motor control, Multisensory integration, Physiology and imaging, Psychiatric disorders, Sleep: circuits, network activity, and behaviour, Social cognition and behavior, Structural plasticity, Tactile/somatosensory system, Visual cognition, Visual cortex: V1 and higher areas Yes
Computational Neuroscience, Cognition and AI MSc Nottingham, United Kingdom MSc Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Brain connectivity, Connectomics, Development of neural systems, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neural circuit motifs, Neural Network Models No
DFG Graduate School GRK1167 “Cell-Cell-Communication in Neural and Immune Systems: Topological Organisation of Signal Transduction” Magdeburg, Germany PhD Internal States and Homeostasis, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types Cell types, Gene expression and regulation, Glia-neuron interactions, Neuroimmunology, Neurotransmitters and their receptors Yes
Doctoral Program Brain & Mind (Finnish Graduate School of Neuroscience) Helsinki, Finland PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types Cell excitability, Computational clinical neuroscience, Data analysis and software tools, Intracellular dynamics, Learning and memory, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Neural circuit mechanisms, Psychiatric disorders Yes
Doctoral Program in Molecular Medicine (DPMM) Kuopio, Finland PhD, MD-PhD Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging ALS and FTD spectrum disorders, Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Animal models, Brain connectivity, Deep and Machine Learning, Epilepsy, fMRI and PET, Inflammation, neuroprotection and tolerance, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Molecular signals and their receptors, Parkinson's disease Yes
Doctoral programme in the Natural Sciences Vienna, Austria PhD Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Anxiety and Fear-based Disorders, Attention and Perception, Psychiatric disorders, Social cognition and behavior, Stress across life span, Stress and the brain Yes
Doctoral Programme of Medicine and Sport Tartu, Estonia PhD Internal States and Homeostasis, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurons and Glia: Intrinsic Properties, Cell Biology and Cell Types, Other Brain Diseases, Ischemia, Stroke, Injury, Psychiatric and Cognitive Disorders Animal models, Animal studies, Gene expression and regulation, Ischemia, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Metabolism, Mitochondria, Molecular and cellular mechanisms, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neuroendocrine, Neuroimmunology, Parkinson's disease, Psychiatric disorders, Schizophrenia, Therapeutic strategies Yes
Doctoral School Brain, Cognition, Behavior Paris, France PhD, MD-PhD Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging Gene expression and regulation, Glia-neuron interactions, Ischemia, Learning and memory, Molecular and cellular mechanisms, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neurotransmitters and their receptors Yes
Doctoral School of Neuroscience Debrecen, Hungary PhD Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging Molecular and cellular mechanisms Yes
Doctorate in Cognitive and Brain Sciences Rovereto, Italy PhD Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience, Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurogenesis and Development, Sensory Systems Attention and Perception, Decision making and reasoning, Imaging methods, Intervention methods, Language and communication, Sensorimotor control, Social cognition and behavior, Tactile/somatosensory system Yes
Dual Masters in Brain and Mind Sciences London, United Kingdom MSc Motivation, Emotion and Behaviour, Neurodegenerative Disorders and Pathological Aging, Neurogenesis and Development Development of neural systems, Language and communication, Mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, Molecular signals and their receptors, Psychiatric disorders, Social cognition and behavior No
Elite Master of Science in Neuroengineering Munich, Germany MSc Cognition and Neural Network, Computational and Theoretical Neuroscience Data analysis and software tools, Deep and Machine Learning, Learning and memory, Neural circuit mechanisms, Neuro-robotics and Neuroprosthetics, Neuromorphic engineering Yes