IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend awardees

Following the assessment of the submitted abstracts, the awarded participants with a IBRO-PERC, The Brain Prize and FENS stipend to attend the Fall Brain Conference 2017 (listed in alphabeptical order, based on the family name) are:

Rodrigo Barbosa Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Heike Blockus Columbia University, USA
James Crowe Aston University, United Kingdom
Mathijs de Rijk Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Stefano Giandomenico MRC LMB, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Daniel Hoops McGill University, Canada
Laura Jimenez-Baron Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Germany
Nereo Kalebic Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
Irma Khachidze I. Beritashvili Centre of Experimental Biomedicine, Georgia
Chiara La Rosa University of Turin, Italy
Alfredo Llorca Molina King’s College London, United Kingdom
Katherine Long Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
Noemi Picco University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Neha Rani Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Xiaoqun Wang Institute of Biophysics, China