Awarded NENS cluster proposal in 2022
Following the 2nd Call for Education and Training Clusters organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (FENS-CHET) and the IBRO Pan-Europe Regional Committee (IBRO-PERC) , and launched within NENS school programmes community at the beginning of 2022, one cluster proposal has been awarded and will be developed during the next 18 months.
e-ReproNim: A shared approach to teaching open and reproducible neuroimaging
The e-ReproNim cluster has been finalised, and all cluster’s deliverables are now available online at
Training content
Institutions in the Cluster pool the resource and material they use into a shared repository, available from
This shared material consists is of two types, which the community can use and contribute to as they see fit:
1) Class content: including slides, scripts and notebooks, stored in our Github repository:
2) Participatory exercises: including group or individual activities designed to exemplify particular aspects of reproducibility in science and support a discussion with the students. These exercises will be made available on the project website at
The BrainHack event: was held from June 19th to 21st, provided our students with the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge about reproducibility they acquired throughout the year, in fun and engaging, real-life projects.