
Amsterdam Neuroscience

Amsterdam Neuroscience is a leading medical center that combines complex high-quality patient care, innovative scientific research and education of the next generation committed health care professionals.

The Company of Biologists

The Company of Biologists is a not-for-profit publishing organisation dedicated to supporting and inspiring the biological community.

Synaptic Systems

Synaptic Systems established its own fully equipped research laboratory which allows product refinement and the development of new antibodies.

ENC Network

ENC Network consists of communities which are either Ecumenical or church-specific communities.

Ugo Basile

Ugo Basile is a modern and larger premise completely equipped with machine shops, testing facilities, research and development department, software research and development laboratory, shipping, receiving and stock areas, as well as a modern business office and training rooms.

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) 

Universitas Miguel Hernandez (UMH)
Excelencia Severo Ochoa

Excelencia Severo Ochoa provides laboratories, equipment and technical personnel for neurobiological research.

Instituto de Neurociencias
Jackson Immunoresearch
Sociedad Espagñola de Neurociencia (SENC)
Sutter Instrument

Sutter Instrument has become one of the finest precision machining facilities in Northern California, employing state-of-the-art CNC machining and turning centers for volume production of precision mechanical components.



Doctorate program in Neurosciences, UMH



FENS, is the voice of European neuroscience. With 44 neuroscience member societies across 33 European countries, FENS as an organisation represents 20,000 European neuroscientists with a mission to advance European neuroscience education and research.






IBRO, is the global association of neuroscience societies established in 1961 that aims to promote and support neuroscience around the world through training, education, research, outreach and engagement activities, and the publication of our two journals, Neuroscience and IBRO Neuroscience Reports.

IBRO logo

Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung

The Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung, is an independent, non-profit foundation that is committed to promoting medical, biological, chemical, and pharmaceutical science.