FENS facilitates the dissemination of scientific information through a series of online resources, available to all.

Browse the directory below and access a vast array of online materials, including position papers, training and career development materials, outreach and advocacy resources.

Title Description Type Year
Brain Awareness Week 2016 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2016.

Document 2016 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2017 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2017.

Document 2017 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2018 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2018.

Document 2018 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2019 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2019.

Document 2019 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2020 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2020.

Document 2020 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2021 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2021.

Document 2021 View/Download
Brain Awareness Week 2022 projects

Discover the Brain Awareness Week projects funded by the FENS and Dana Foundation grant in 2022.

Document 2022 View/Download
Brain science mapping the landscape of brain and neuroscience research

A report mapping the brain science landscape of brain and neuroscience research

Document 2014 View/Download
Brains by catalogue: surveying preserved Human brains in Portugal

Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.

Website 2018 Open URL
Bridging the Gap Between Contemporary Art and Neuroscience: A Crossover

Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.

Throughout its history, art has found in science a source of inspiration. From Surrealism to Art Brut or the most recent Neuroart, many artists have been influenced by neurology and neuropsychiatry advances. Likewise, neuroscience has used art not only as a research topic but also as a way to represent many of its findings. Leonardo Da Vinci or Ramon y Cajal showed us the beauty of the brain with a strong reliance on visual representation.

Website 2023 Open URL
Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology – Corpus Curiosum (Series III)

Talk by Dr Pascale Tremblay, Université Laval

The claim that “Language is special,” and thus encapsulated in a specialized language network, has informed cognitive neuroscience research since pioneer work of researchers in the late 19 th century. This talk aims to provide a snapshot of the state of knowledge in language neurobiology with a focus on demonstrating the failure of this classical viewpoint to capture the essence of contemporary language neurobiology and demonstrate how this viewpoint, which remains dominant to this day, has contributed to maintaining a narrow empirical and theoretical research focus and to perpetuating a disconnect between common understanding of language neurobiology and the actual state of knowledge in the field.

The Corpus Curiosum series was produced with the support of FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET)

Video 2021 Broca and Wernicke are dead, or moving past the classic model of language neurobiology – Corpus Curiosum (Series III)
Brodmann, Korbinian – Germany

Biography of Brodmann, Korbinian – Germany

Document View/Download
Bures, Jan – Czech Republic

Biography of Bures, Jan – Czech Republic
Via SfN

Document View/Download
Cajal and the Spanish Neurological School: Neuroscience Would Have Been a Different Story Without Them

Paper published by Fernando de Castro.

Website Open URL
Cajal, Santiago Ramon – Spain

Biography of Cajal, Santiago Ramon – Spain

Document View/Download
Cajal: Lessons on brain development

Paper by Fernando de Castro, Laura López-Mascaraque and Juan A. De Carlos.

Document View/Download
Cajal’s Interactions with Sherrington and the Croonian Lecture

Paper published by Juan A. De Carlos and Zoltán Molnár.

Document View/Download
Cajal’s Legacy: Past, Present and Future

Historical video based on Ramón y Cajal’s life, highlighting his most important scientific milestones for building the birth of modern Neuroscience.

Video 2014 Cajal’s Legacy: Past, Present and Future
Cajal’s Man on the Peripheral Nervous System

Paper by Fernando de Castro.

Document View/Download
CARE brochure

Brochure presenting the Committee on Animal Research (CARE) and its activities.

Document 2019 View/Download
CARE’s goals

Learn more about the mission of the Committee on Animal Research (CARE).

Document 2018 View/Download
Carlsson, Arvid – Sweden

Biography of Carlsson, Arvid – Sweden
Via SfN

Document View/Download
Cell Biology and Neuroscience at the Time of the Development of the Cell Theory

Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.

Website 2018 Open URL
Changeux, Jean-Pierre – France

Biography of Changeux, Jean-Pierre – France
Via SfN

Document View/Download
Charles Darwin’s works and early European neuroscience

Video documentary covering the history of Darwinism and development of neuroscience in Europe.

Video 2015 Charles Darwin’s works and early European neuroscience
Collaboration in neuroscience: the young PI perspective (FKNE opinion article published in EJN)

Opinion article produced by FENS-Kavli Scholars (FKNE), and published in the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN).

Website 2016 Open URL
Communication from the Commission on the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) ‘Save cruelty-free cosmetics – Commit to a Europe without animal testing’ Document 2023 View/Download
Consensus Document on European Brain Research

A consensus document about psychiatric and neurological diseases representing a considerable social and eco0mic burden in Europe. Written by Monica Di Luca, Mary Baker, Renato Corradetti, Helmut Kettenmann, Julien Mendlewicz, Jes Olesen, Ian Ragan and Manfred Westphal.

Document 2011 View/Download
Consensus Statement on European Brain Research: The need to expand Brain Research in Europe

A consensus Statement on European Brain Research: The need to expand Brain Research in Europe

Document 2015 View/Download
Core Competencies in European Graduate Neuroscience Training

Developed by the FENS Committee on Higher Education and Training (CHET) in cooperation with the SfN Neuroscience Training Committee (NTC), the Core Competencies in European Graduate Neuroscience Training are meant as guidance for:

– faculty and programmes that develop and evaluate the training they provide to students,

– trainees to assess the skills they have acquired in a MSc or PhD programme, track their progress, or provide awareness of the requirements for potential future training opportunities.

Website 2019 Open URL
Cost of Disorders of the Brain in Europe

Report on the cost of disorders of the brain in Europe

Document 2010 View/Download
Creating Clear and Informative Figures for Scientific Publications

Learn how to identify and fix common problems with figures in scientific publications with this FENS Friday webinar organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET) and the Communication Committee.

Video 2021 Creating Clear and Informative Figures for Scientific Publications
Credibility in Neuroscience

In this special event, we will hear about credibility initiatives that have the potential to increase the reproducibility, replicability, and reliability neuroscience research, which will not only benefit scientific progress in the long-run, but also address a major cause for the poor mental health of research. Organised at FENS Forum 2020 by the British Neuroscience Association and FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).

Video 2020 PLAY VIDEO
Credibility in Neuroscience – Corpus Curiosum (Series I)

Are most published research findings false? Why should we care? And is there anything we can do about it?

Video 2020 Credibility in Neuroscience – Corpus Curiosum (Series I)
Crisis of Reproducibility

This workshop covers the wide-ranging issues that contribute to irreproducibility. It focuses on the bias in dissemination of experimental data from the point of view of journals, funding agencies, and the general media.

Organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).

Video 2018

Members only

D. Santiago Ramon y Cajal- A life committed to neuroscience

A production by The Human Brain Project with images donated by Prof. Javier DeFelipe. A parcial or total reproduction of this video is not allowed under any circumstances. © The Human Brain Project 2015.

Video D. Santiago Ramon y Cajal- A life committed to neuroscience
De Renzi, Ennio – Italy

Biography of De Renzi, Ennio – Italy
Via SfN

Document View/Download
Dealing with gender-bias in neuroscience: FKNE special event at the FENS Forum 2018

This FENS Forum 2018 event discussed current situation of women and men in science, including gender statistics related to research funding, ways of combining career progress with family and parenting, and ongoing initiatives to support women and men in science. Event organised by the FKNE and the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).

Video 2018 Dealing with gender-bias in neuroscience: FKNE special event at the FENS Forum 2018
Dendritic spines as learning hubs

This webinars focuses on the concept of dendritic spines as learning hubs presented by two outstanding speakers Prof. Javier DeFelipe (ES) and Prof. Valentin Nägerl (FR).

Santiago Ramón y Cajal, the Spanish founder of modern neuroscience, was the first researcher to identify dendritic spines as important neuronal structures and the role that spines play in learning and memory. Before, these tiny structures were considered mere artefacts.

More than a century after Cajal’s discovery, neuroscientists know that spines play an important role in memory acquisition and consolidation, and are the topic of cutting-edge research combining structural, physiological, and modelling studies.

The FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET) and History Committee have organised a new series of online webinars, “How concepts and techniques emerged in neuroscience: a historical perspective”, which aims to pair current trends in neuroscience, from revolutionary techniques or neuroscience concepts, with their historical roots and relevant historical figures in the field.

Video 2024 Dendritic spines as learning hubs
Discovery of the first neurotransmitter receptor

Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.

Document 2017 View/Download