Iversen, Leslie L. – UK |
Biography of Iversen, Leslie L. – UK
Via SfN
Document |
János Szentágothai and his legacy for neuroscience in Hungary and worldwide |
Biography of of Já0s Szentágothai, a former president of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a groundbreaker in his field.
Website |
2010 |
Open URL
Join us at the FENS Forum 2022 in Paris, France! |
The FENS Forum 2022 will take place on 9-13 July 2022 in Paris, France. Further info: www.fens.org/2022
Video |
2020 |
Joint statement in support of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes |
Joint statement supporting the European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (2015)
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2015 |
Joint statement on the use of animals for research in neuroscience |
Statement regarding the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals’ Meetings of 13 September 2018 on the use of animals in neuroscience research.
Document |
2018 |
Katz, Sir Bernard – Germany/UK |
Biography of Katz, Sir Bernard – Germany/UK
Via SfN
Document |
Letter to the Guardian on the importance of primate research |
A letter on the importance of animal research in neuroscience (2016)
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Living History – The History of Spanish Neuroscience in First Person |
A series of video lectures given by living legends of Spanish neuroscience (in Spanish, with English subtitles).
Video |
2018 |
Luciani, Luigi – Italy |
Biography of Luciani, Luigi – Italy
Document |
Lugaro, Ernesto – Italy |
Biography of Lugaro, Ernesto – Italy
Document |
Mechanisms of Post-Ischemic Brain Adaptation |
The webinar discusses mechanisms involved in post-ischemic brain adaptation. The knowledge of these mechanisms may provide information to bring light on those molecular pathways involved in brain protection. Organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training under the signed agreement with the Neuroscience Training Committee of SfN; webinar available on Neuronline, the SfN online platform.
Website |
2021 |
Open URL
Mental Health in Academia – Status-quo and Practical Implications for Early Career Researchers’ Wellbeing – Corpus Curiosum (Series IV) |
Talk by Katharina Bögl & Sandra Naumann, Scholar Minds
Although many academics love their research and experience fulfilment from various tasks of their profession, mounting evidence suggests that working in academia might contribute to mental health problems. We at Scholar Minds, a group of early-career researchers (ECRs) of Berlin’s universities and research institutions, strive to ensure the mental health of Berlin’s early career researchers by improving the status-quo on an individual and institutional level. Based on our Scholar Minds surveys, we will first provide an overview of ECRs’ current mental health status. Secondly, we want to unravel unhelpful thoughts and habits which ultimately impact ECRs’ mental health and show how to build helpful habits to overcome challenging times.
The Corpus Curiosum series was produced with the support of FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET)
Video |
2022 |
Menzel, Randolf – Germany |
Biography of Menzel, Randolf – Germany
Via SfN
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Moving on: mobility for early-career neuroscientists (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) |
Opinion article produced by FENS-Kavli Scholars (FKNE), and published in the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN).
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Nansen, Fridtjof – 0rway |
Biography of Nansen, Fridtjof – 0rway
Via Bock O. & Helle K.B.
Document |
Narrative From The Digital History of Cognitive Neuroscience |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2023 |
Open URL
Native Voices: Neuroscience among the First Nations of Canada |
Website documenting the history of medicine and neurological knowledge among the aboriginal nations of Canada. Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2020 |
Open URL
NENS Exchange Grants online session |
Are you a Master or PhD student located in Europe? Do you know about the NENS Exchange Grants? This funding opportunity of EUR 3,000 allows you to spend 1 to 3 months in another European lab to learn a new technique. Learn everything you need to know by watching this flash webinar. Organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).
Video |
2021 |
Neuroanatomical Histology |
Website examining the history of Romanian neurology and psychiatry: understanding the connection between science, political ideals and national contexts, both at a regional and international level.
Website |
2010 |
Open URL
Neurolaw: A New Frontier – Corpus Curiosum (Series II) |
The Corpus Curiosum series was produced with the support of FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET)
Video |
2020 |
Neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders in ancient and medieval Persia |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2024 |
Open URL
Neuroscience 7,000 years ago |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2019 |
Open URL
Neuroscience Career Paths |
Special interest event organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET) at FENS Forum 2020.
Video |
2020 |
Neuroscience Giants |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
Website |
2017 |
Open URL
Neuroscience in British Literature |
Online exhibition exploring the intersection of neuroscience and British literature.
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Neuroscience in Georgia |
Full information regarding past and present Neuroscience research in Georgia.
Website |
2018 |
Open URL
Neurosciences and History in Images |
Online audio-visual display of the Spanish Society of Neurology’s museum and historical archive (MAH SEN).
Website |
2013 |
Open URL
Neurosciences in-formation: a visual history of Galvanism |
Interactive website in which the visual representation of Galvanism in the late 18th and early 19th century illustrations allow to navigate the history of this practice.
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Neurosexism and the Brain – Corpus Curiosum (Series II) |
The Corpus Curiosum series was produced with the support of FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET)
Video |
2020 |
New Neurons in the adult Brain – Corpus Curiosum (Series II) |
Video |
2020 |
Newport Langley, John – UK |
Biography of Newport Langley, John – UK
Document |
Non-coding RNAs in Nervous System Function and Disease |
Thousands of non-coding (nc)RNAs have been identified with functions in processes, such as translation regulation and RNA processing. Different classes of ncRNAs exist, including microRNAs, circRNAs and tRNAs, some of which are enriched in the nervous system and neural cells. This webinar discusses some of the functions of these ncRNAs in the developing and adult brain and highlights how their deregulation contributes to brain trauma and disease. Webinar organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET) on the SfN digital platform, Neuronline.
Website |
2020 |
Open URL
Olga Viogradova (1929-2001): role of the hippocampus in selection and registration of information |
Collection of all the scientific achievements of Olga Vi0gradova and coverage of the facts of her biography.
Website |
2017 |
Open URL
Online workshop: Running a Brain Awareness Week event in 2021 |
This workshop aims to provide neuroscientists with useful tips to plan an event for Brain Awareness Week 2021, from writing a successful proposal for Brain Awareness Week to running an engaging outreach event, both online and in-person.
Workshop organised by the FENS Communication Committee with the support of the Dana Foundation.
Video |
2020 |
Open Letter on recent developments in science in the US |
An open letter from FENS on recent developments in science in the US
Document |
2017 |
Opening up: open access publishing, data sharing, and how they can influence your neuroscience career (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) |
Opinion article produced by FENS-Kavli Scholars (FKNE), and published in the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN).
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Oxford Sparks: You’ve Got a Nerve |
Most of us take movement and balance for granted, and it’s only when something goes wrong that we realise how complicated it is. In the early 1900s, an Oxford researcher called Charles Sherrington examined microscope slides of muscles, nerves, the spine and the brain and traced the connections between them. Using this box of slides, he built up a picture of how muscles are controlled. Some diseases can damage nerve cells and affect muscle control. Researchers today still use the basic principles established by Sherrington to investigate how to fix these problems.
Video |
Pavlov’s wayward pupil: full of twists and turns Jerzy Koorski’s life |
Short documentary movie on Jerzy Koorski, well-known Polish neuroscientist.
Video |
2018 |
Periphery-CNS miscommunication in neurodegenerative disorders: focus on brain barriers pathology |
The blood-brain barriers are of great relevance in maintaining central nervous system (CNS) immune privilege and for the regulation of peripheral immunocytes trafficking within the brain. Anomalous brain-immune system crosstalk is acknowledged across neurodegenerative disorders, characterised by chronic infiltration of peripheral immunocytes within the CNS and neuroinflammation, eventually leading to neurodegeneration.
To gain a deeper understanding, FENS presents this unique opportunity to explore the world of neurodegenerative disorders and brain barriers pathology with esteemed speakers.
Webinar organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training (CHET).
Video |
2023 |
Peters, Alan – UK |
Biography of Peters, Alan – UK
Document |