FENS position on Directive 2010/63/EU on the use of animals in scientific research |
FENS position on Directive 2010/63/EU on the use of animals in scientific research (2014)
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2014 |
FENS Regulations |
FENS – Regulations
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2020 |
FENS SfN Summer School 2014 on Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric Disorders |
This playlist contains lectures given during the FENS SfN Summer School 2014 on Neurodevelopmental Psychiatric Disorders (held in Italy). The interview with the School’s scientific organisers provides an introduction.
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2014 |
FENS SfN Summer School 2015 on Shared mechanisms and specificity in neurodegenerative diseases |
This playlist contains lectures and interviews taken at the FENS SfN Summer School 2015 on Shared mechanisms and specificity in neurodegenerative diseases (held in Italy). The interview with the School’s scientific organisers provides an introduction.
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2015 |
FENS SfN Summer School 2017 on Chemical Neuromodulation |
This playlist contains lectures given during the FENS SfN Summer School on Chemical Neuromodulation: Neurobiological, Neurocomputational, Behavioural and Clinical Aspects (held in Italy). The interview with the School’s scientific organisers provides an introduction.
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2017 |
FENS Societies & Membership – flyer |
As an umbrella organisation federating national and single-discipline European neuroscience societies, FENS currently serves 44 society members across 33 countries and over 22,000 neuroscientists.
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2023 |
FENS statement in support of Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes |
FENS statement supporting European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (2015)
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2015 |
FENS statement on the decision of Nikos Logothetis to quit primate research |
A message from the FENS President following the decision of Nikos Logothetis, then director at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tubingen, Germany, to stop his research on primates after having been targeted by animal activists.
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2015 |
FENS Statutes |
FENS – Articles of the association
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2015 |
FENS Strategic Plan 2020-2022 |
The FENS Strategic Plan for 2020-2022 serves two purposes: a radar screen of actions to be undertaken by the FENS governing bodies and a presentation of FENS policy to member societies and individual membership.
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2020 |
FENS supports you and your career: higher education and training at FENS |
Through its activities, grants and awards, FENS supports the education and continued training of neuroscientists, with a particular focus on early career neuroscientists. Learn more with this video
Video |
2021 |
FENS Virtual Forum 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast: Monday 13 July |
This episode of the FENS 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast features interviews of speakers at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: Angela Roberts (UK), Carla Shatz (US), Johannes Gräff (CH), Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (DE), Erin Schuman (laureate of the ALBA-FKNE Diversity Prize 2020, DE) and Dervila Glynn (Chair of the FENS Communication Committee, UK).
Produced by Malcolm Love – Interviewers: Anders Jespersen, Harry Potter, Shruti Muralidhar
Made with the support of the Dana Foundation
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2020 |
FENS Virtual Forum 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast: Saturday 11 July |
This episode of the FENS 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast features interviews of speakers at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: Anita Luthi (CH), Trevor Robbins and Irene Tracey (UK), Eve Marder (US), Deepak Srivastava (UK) and Fritjof Helmchen (CH), Chair of the FENS 2020 Programme Committee.
Produced by Malcolm Love – Interviewers: Anders Jespersen, Harry Potter, Shruti Muralidhar
Made with the support of the Dana Foundation
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2020 |
FENS Virtual Forum 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast: Sunday 12 July |
This episode of the FENS 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast features interviews of speakers at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: Erin Schuman (DE), Sheena Josselyn (US), Kate Jeffery (NZ), Avishai Henik (laureate of the FKNE Mentoring Prize 2020, IL) and John Foxe (EJN Editor-in-Chief, US).
Produced by Malcolm Love – Interviewers: Anders Jespersen, Harry Potter, Shruti Muralidhar
Made with the support of the Dana Foundation
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2020 |
FENS Virtual Forum 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast: Tuesday 14 July |
This episode of the FENS 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast features interviews of speakers at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: Sonia Garel (FR), Rui Costa (US), Tara Spires-Jones (UK), Lisa Traunmüller (FKNE PhD Thesis Prize 2020, DE) and Lars Kristiansen (FENS Executive Director, BE).
Produced by Malcolm Love – Interviewers: Anders Jespersen, Harry Potter, Shruti Muralidhar
Made with the support of the Dana Foundation
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2020 |
FENS Virtual Forum 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast: Wednesday 15 July |
This episode of the FENS 2020 Daily Highlights Podcast features interviews of speakers at the FENS 2020 Virtual Forum: Jan Born (US), Seth Grant (UK), Carmen Sandi (FENS President 2018-2020, CH) and Jean-Antoine Girault (FENS President 2020-2022, FR).
Produced by Malcolm Love – Interviewers: Anders Jespersen, Harry Potter, Shruti Muralidhar
Made with the support of the Dana Foundation
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2020 |
FENS webinar on “Brain Research Needs Animal Models: Let’s Talk About It!” |
How easy is it to communicate the needs of researchers to the general public, especially when animals are involved? This 60-minute online event aims to teach how to communicate the use of animals in scientific research responsibly and transparently.
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2023 |
FENS webinar on “Empowering future neuroscience with modern computing paradigms: the training perspective” |
In this FENS webinar, four speakers discussed aspects of computing that are particularly relevant for neuroscience, as well as different ways we should teach them to the new generation of neuroscientists.
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2022 |
FENS webinar: “Running a Brain Awareness Week event in 2023” |
This FENS live webinar aims to provide participants with useful tips on how to write a successful FENS-Dana Brain Awareness Week 2023 Grants application and how to run an engaging outreach event. The webinar will include an interactive Q&A session with the speakers to provide hands-on tips to the audience.
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2022 |
FENS-SfN joint position paper on the importance of non-human primates in biomedical research |
FENS and the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) strongly advocate for the responsible use of animals in biomedical research. Their position is explained in this 2014 joint paper.
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2014 |
FENS-SfN Summer School 2016 on Cellular mechanisms and networks in addiction |
This playlist contains lectures given during the FENS SfN Summer School 2016 on Cellular mechanisms and networks in addiction (held in Italy). The interview with the School’s scientific organisers provides an introduction.
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2016 |
FENS-SfN Summer School 2018 on Neural stem cells, brain orgaoids and brain repair |
This playlist contains lectures given during the FENS SfN Summer School 2018 on Neural stem cells, brain orga0ids and brain repair (held in Italy). The interview with the School’s scientific organisers provides an introduction.
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2018 |
FENS-SfN-JNS joint statement on the use of animals in research |
FENS, the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) and the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) strongly advocate for the responsible use of animals in biological and biomedical research. (2014)
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2014 |
FENS, the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies |
FENS brings together 20,000+ neuroscientists, 44 member societies across 33 European countries. FENS aims to advance research and education in neuroscience, through training and facilitating scientific exchange and interaction. Learn more about FENS and our mission with this video
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2020 |
Friedrich Sanides: A unifying framework of cortical organization with ontogenetic, phylogenetic and functional ramifications |
Website |
2017 |
Open URL
Getting published: how to write a successful neuroscience paper (FKNE opinion article published in EJN) |
Opinion article produced by FENS-Kavli Scholars (FKNE), and published in the European Journal of Neuroscience (EJN).
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Gilberto Rossi, a neuroscientist and an intellectual of the Novecento |
Biography of Gilberto Rossi (1894-1960), a neurophysiologist whose work has left a deep trace in the neurophysiology of the 20th century.
Website |
2016 |
Open URL
Global statement on the Use of Animals in Biomedical Research |
Global statement on the use of animals in Biomedical Research (2014)
Website |
2014 |
Open URL
Golgi Revealed |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
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2011 |
Open URL
Golgi, Camillo – Italy |
Biography of Golgi, Camillo – Italy
Document |
Heinrich Obersteiner and the Foundation of Neuroscience in 19th century Vienna |
Research and online presetation of Heinrich Obersteiner (1847 – 1922), frequently mentioned as the founding father of Neuroscience at Vienna.
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2017 |
Historiography of Neurosciences in Eastern Europe |
Website examining the history of Romanian neurology and psychiatry: understanding the connection between science, political ideals and national contexts, both at a regional and international level.
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2011 |
Open URL
History of Neurology in India: From the Ancient to the Modern Period |
Project funded under the FENS call for history of neuroscience projects.
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2019 |
Open URL
How Cortical Interneurons Develop: Current and Future Research |
Authors: Myrto Denaxa & Domna Karagogeos.
Material produced under the FENS Committee of Higher Education and Training (CHET) umbrella, hosted on Neuronline.
Website |
2020 |
Open URL
How Does Myelin Contribute to Brain Plasticity? |
Interest in myelinated cells for neurobiologists has essentially been driven by research on demyelinating disorders. The majority of myelin is formed postnatally in the rodents and by adulthood in humans. Although myelin plasticity in response to neuronal activity is an old observation, its extent has been appreciated relatively recently. However, over recent years, myelinating cells have been found to participate to neural plasticity, being modified by neural activity, and in turn modulating the activity of neurons, and possibly vasculature.
It is now accepted that myelin can be shaped by environmental stimuli and undergo significant structural changes throughout life. This fine-tuning mechanism enhances neuronal function by orchestrating adjustments in myelin structure and axo-glial interactions. The potential link between this adaptive myelination and neuropsychiatric conditions is an active area of research. New directions in myelin research would be highlighted in this webinar.
Webinar organised by the FENS Committee for Higher Education and Training on the SfN digital platform, Neuronline.
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2023 |
Open URL
Huxley, Andrew – UK |
Biography of Huxley, Andrew – UK
Via SfN
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Iain Pears in conversation with Zoltán Molnár: An insight into Willis era Oxford through writing “An Instance of the Fingerpost” |
Professor Zoltán Molnár talks to author and historian Iain Pears to better understand “a time and place of great intellectual, religious, scientific and political ferment” in which Thomas Willis lived and worked.
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Open URL
Improving Openness in Animal Research in Germany – video of EARA event in Berlin |
As part of an effort to provide scientists with strategies to openly communicate about animal research with the wider public, the European Animal Research Association, a communications and advocacy organisation promoting biomedical research across Europe, hosted a workshop series, supported by FENS and SfN, on Improving Openness in Animal Research in Germany.
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2018 |
Insight into Greek neuroscientists |
An insight into well-k0wn Greek doctors that had a major impact in the field of Neuroscience.
Website |
2015 |
Open URL
Ivane Beritashvili – Photo and Video Heritage |
Photo and video materials related to I. Beritashvili and his experiments.
Website |
2013 |
Open URL